This study show that singing can increase dementia patient's memory

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One sign of dementia disease is reducing the memory of the patients. Usually patient hard to remember everything. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease patients find ways to improve memory.

Teppo Sarkamo, leader of the reaseach of the University of Helsinki, Finland, quoted from the Health, on Wednesday (12/23/2015) said that singing very promising to maintain the function of the brain in the early stages of dementia.

According Detik Health (23/12/2015) that the study involved 89 people with mild to moderate dementia conditions. For 10 weeks they were divided into two groups. The first group exercise singing and other groups to listen to songs that are often heard.

For those who are members of the singing group showed improvement in memory and ability to think. Whereas in the group listen to music, the benefits are only felt by those experiencing severe dementia conditions.

Not only provide benefits to those who have dementia alone, singing and listening to music also has a good impact for Alzheimer patients. By doing these activities, researchers believe can reduce depression patients conditions are still mild dementia.

Results of this study confirmed the program conducted by the National Health Service, UK. The program named 'playlist for Life', made using the patient's favorite songs in an attempt to trigger a reaction from long-term memory of the brain.

The song list is made different for each patient who is assisted by family relatives. The project was initiated by the BBC presenter, Sally Magnusson, who was surprised when his late mother had shown improvement after hearing the songs.
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