Careful to your car, new mode to steal car using radio jamming

New mode to steal a car using radio jamming. Alistate

There are many method to do criminal to steal a car. New method found in Indonesian in this time is using radio jamming. Using radio jamming, car user not conscious the remote control for door locking doesn't work. It is look broken when they use this remote to lock the car door.

As reported from Metrotvnews (12/22/2015) show us this incident happened from people in the rest area parking lot toll Cibubur. This incident started when car owner out of the car, the remote is used to lock the door suddenly does not work, finally locked manually.

When they want to get in the car, he shocked the door key hole in a damaged condition. As a result, the car owner should lose his laptop, which was left in the car.

Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Sr. Pol Muhammad Iqbal said the theft of the vehicle with a new mode. Malfunction of the door locking system using the remote, allegedly as a result of radio waves that destroyed using special tools (radio jamming). Another result of radio jamming, impact damage to the alarm system, because at the time of the incident did not sound the alarm.

Car doors are locked manually, as well as the alarm system is not functioning, make thieves freely using T screwdriver to break it.

So, you must careful with this mode or method to steal car. It is new experience, that maybe also can occur in your country.

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