What's the secret code in Mona Lisa eyes?

We think you will not feel strange again with Mona Lisa. But maybe there are many people doesn't know what happen with the Mona Lisa's eyes in her painting. 

When you see the Mona Lisa painting, we think you will only know that you focused on the mysterious her smile. But, when you see the Mona Lisa eyes under microscope you will see that in her eyes any small letter and number.

Experts say small letters and numbers represent something of a real-life Da Vinci Code, in the right eye appear the letters LV which possibility is the acronym for its name, Leonardo Da Vinci. 

While in the left eye there are also symbols but no obvious meaning, but they looked like the letters CE, or it could be the letter B. In the arch of the bridge in the background of the painting seen figure 72, or can be L and the number 2. Also, the number 149 with number 4 which is slightly erased, appears behind the picture, which shows that Da Vinci painted when he was in Milan in 1490's. 

Do you believe with this secret code in Mona Lisa eyes? Maybe you also know more other information about it's some secret code. 
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