4 kinds problem for final-year students in collage

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Do you a student in collage with final-year now? When you get this condition, please obey the usual problem which happened like 4 kinds problem for final-year students in collage. 

Entering the final level, most of the students have already started reducing the activity outside the college and focus to be able to graduate on time. Those who had always together everywhere, eventually start their own ways.

And here are 4 kinds problem for final-year students in collage as follow:

1. Feeling ugly with thesis

During the manufacture of paper, students often feel that the thesis is not feasible and many lack. Moreover, coupled with the obstacles encountered in the field. This makes them easily stressed and down.

2. Pessimistic and can not work

Seeing GPA not go up plus the graduation process that is difficult to make the students feel pessimistic will not be able to get a job aspired. Therefore, to deal with it you need to have the skills that support and are widely used in the world of work.

3. Awkward acquaintance with new people

This usually occurs in students who are shy and reserved. Come on, already a student, time for change! Moreover, soon you will enter the world of work that requires you to dare to meet new people.

4. Feeling alone

When faced with a problem, a graduate student often feel alone. In fact, they should be aware that his friends also are struggling to be able to graduate on time. Facing this situation, there's nothing wrong you tell a parent or family so that problems do not keep to themselves.

Source: news.okezone.com (12/22/2015)
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