Birthplace of Bill Clinton allegedly burned mysterious people

Bill Clinton (Photo: AFP Photo / Evaristo Sa)

Birthplace of Bill Clinton allegedly burned mysterious people. This incident happened on Friday (12/25/2015) local time.

According DetikNews on Saturday (12/26/2015), that the place is a historical site and a fire that had ravaged.

Fire engulfed the exterior walls of the house framed in reverse white. Home is the place early Clinton spent five years of his life.

A motorcyclist reported the fire was burning on Christmas Day. Police and firefighters then arrived at the scene just a few minutes later.

They detect any odors flammable liquids. Local authorities believe the fluid that causes a fire.

Evidence has been submitted to the crime lab for analysis. Police will also examine a number of black graffiti in the area for clues could be more convincing.

The house was built in 1917, owned by the great-Clinton. According to the National Park Service, the interior still retains the authenticity as the beginning of this house. The final damage can still be repaired.
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